児童ポルノ・児童買春・児童福祉法・監護者わいせつ・不同意わいせつ・強制わいせつ・青少年条例・不正アクセス禁止法・わいせつ電磁的記録弁護人 奥村徹弁護士の見解(弁護士直通050-5861-8888 sodanokumurabengoshi@gmail.com)




W. A. Marshall and J. M. Tanner
Variations in pattern of pubertal changes in girls
Arch Dis Child. 1969 Jun; 44(235): 291–303.
 被験者は、ハーペンデン成長研究に参加している192人の白人英国人少女であった。 彼女らに身体的な異常はなく、標準的なケアがあらゆる点で優れていた子どもの家の家族グループに住んでいた。彼女らは主に人口の中でも低い社会経済層から来ており、ホームに入る前に(通常3~6歳で)最適な身体的ケアを受けていない者もいた。彼女らが入所した理由は通常、両親の離婚または死亡、病気、片親の失踪などによる実家庭の崩壊である。

Rosenbloom & Tanner.
Misuse of Tanner puberty stages to estimate chronologic age.
Pediatrics 102巻, 6号, 1494ページ, 1998年
Misuse of Tanner Puberty Stages to Estimate Chronologic Age
To the Editor..
 One of us has been involved as an expert in several US federal cases of possession of alleged child pornography, in which seized materials (videos, photographs, computer downloads) were used as evidence against individuals identified in “sting” operations, wherein government agents take over pornographic businesses. In these cases the staging of sexual maturation (Tanner stage) has been used not to stage maturation, but to estimate probable chronologic age. This is a wholly illegitimate use of Tanner staging: no equations exist estimating age from stage, and even if they did, the degree of unreliability in the staging.the independent variable. would introduce large errors into the estimation of age, the dependent variable. Furthermore, the unreliability of the stage rating is increased to an unknown degree by improperly performed staging, that is, not at a clinical examination but through nonstandardized and, thus, unsuitable photographs.
 Therefore, we wish to caution pediatricians and other physicians to refrain from providing “expert” testimony as to chronologic age based on Tanner staging, which was designed for estimating development or physiologic age for medical, educational, and sports purposes.in other words, identifying early and late maturers. The method is appropriate for this, provided chronologic age is known. It is not designed for estimating chronologic age and, therefore, not properly used for this purpose.

Arlan L. Rosenbloom, MD
Department of Pediatrics University of Florida College of Medicine Gainesville, FL 32610-0296

James M. Tanner, MD, PhD
University of London
London, England

吉井匠 児童ポルノ事件における児童性の認定方法に関する考察