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Child porn teacher escapes jail

 「downloading 13 indecent images of children - a total of 22 pictures」という単純所持罪。

A FORMER head teacher who downloaded a string of pornographic images of children has avoided jail.
Ken Stamp, 44, of Forest Court, Snaresbrook, was charged with downloading 13 indecent images of children - a total of 22 pictures - and changed his plea to guilty in February this year.
However, Snaresbrook Crown Court heard today (Thursday) that the former teacher, who taught at Woodlands Junior School, Ilford, would not go to jail because the images were not "involved with the direct exploitation of children".
advertisementInstead he will be made to attend a sex offenders' rehabilitation programme, have his movements supervised for three years and be placed on the sex offenders' register for the minimum period of ten years.