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FINAL DECLARATION (Rome, 30th May, 2009)

Sexual exploitation of children, besides being a heinous crime, is a gross violation of basic human rights.
As G8 Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs, we firmly condemn all forms of sexual exploitation of children, including “travelling sex offenders”, and the proliferation of child pornography on the Internet.
It is important to consider ratifying the Council of Europe Convention on the protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse.
The G8 co-operation in this area is well established and it allows us to combat this despicable phenomenon more effectively.
We appreciate the G8 initiatives and projects in this area by the experts of the Roma/Lyon Group. These include the “G8 Wanted Child Sex Offenders” website, efforts to stop and prosecute “travelling sex offenders”, as well as the recent International Research Symposium held at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill on the sexual exploitation of children. These initiatives strengthen our capacity to prevent and combat this scourge, and we consider it important to develop them further.
The continuous advances in technology offer more scope for improving international co-operation in this field, especially in regulatory and operational terms.
We believe, in particular, that consideration should be given to aggressive measures such as the creation of a blacklist of sites containing child pornography, aimed at blocking navigation to paedophile sites and/or measures to increase the reporting of child pornography as appropriate in our various legal systems. The blacklist could be run by some international organizations. This blacklist could be updated and disseminated by international organisations, then adapted where necessary and implemented by appropriate domestic organisations.
Effective international cooperation would also be achieved through a wider membership in multi-lateral task forces, sharing specialised software and closely coordinating on line undercover investigations and other international law enforcement operations.
We therefore encourage our experts to study the various aspects underlying the implementation of the above-mentioned devices for international collaboration.
Recognizing the importance of bringing together our efforts to combat child pornography online and offline, we adopted a stand-alone Declaration on child pornography, entitled “The Risk to Children Posed by Child Pornography Offenders” and reaffirm our commitment to continue to work together to combat child pornography, particularly on the Internet.

Joint statement by the Justice and Home Affairs Ministers on child pornography  Ministers’ Declaration 
The Risk to Children Posed by Child Pornography Offenders G‐8 Justice and Home Affairs Ministers (Rome ‐ 30th May, 2009) 
Two years ago, we gathered in Munich, Germany, and pledged our collective efforts to enforce the international fight against child pornography. In light of what we learned about this growing threat to children everywhere, we undertook two specific commitments: 
1) to ensure the implementation and effectiveness of our own laws relating to child pornography, and to taking steps to update and improve those laws when necessary and where appropriate, and 
2) to highlight the importance of the fight against child pornography in international dialogue and to encourage cooperation both within and outside the G8. 
Despite our common will to the contrary, there remains an incomplete understanding of the harm child pornography presents. Thus, in some countries, effective legislation has not yet been adopted. 
Last year, we welcomed the decision under the G8 Presidency of Japan to reiterate our strong condemnation and denunciation of all forms of sexual exploitation of children and renewed our pledge to continue with the fight against the sexual exploitation of children, noting in particular the alarming flood of child pornography ‐ which are images of sexual abuse of children of children ‐ on the Internet. While we recognize that all forms of child sexual exploitation require our concerted efforts, we also acknowledge that exploitation through child pornography raises new concerns and challenges, as well as poses new risks to children, particularly as a result of the use of new technologies, such as the Internet, to commit these offences. 
 We are pleased to report today on an important step to address this gap. Last month, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, in the United States, experts from around the world met at a G8‐sponsored symposium to discuss and assess the risk to children posed by child pornography offenders. Psychologists, medical doctors, criminologists, professors, sociologists, and computer scientists, among others, from G8 and non‐G8 countries met to share the findings from their research and develop consensus on the risks to children associated with child pornography.
 The work of this body will be published and, we hope, disseminated worldwide in due course. Today we express our appreciation to all the participating experts and take note of their findings, which are included in the final report of the symposium attached to this Declaration.
 The results of this Symposium help make clear the immediate need for effective and comprehensive action against child pornography in every country. They have inspired us today to pledge our renewed efforts to fulfill the commitments we made in Munich guided by these findings. We request that the Roma/Lyon Group consider what additional future work may be appropriate in light of these results, and report back to Justice and Home Affairs Ministers in 2010.