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LONDON (Reuters) - A UK-based Internet monitoring group said on Thursday it had received a record number of reports of online child pornography in the first six months of 2006, with half of all content traced back to the United States.

The Internet Watch Foundation said it had received 14,313 reports between January and June, up almost a quarter from the same period in 2005, involving 4,908 cases where investigators found potentially illegal content, an increase of nearly 50 percent.

IWF reveals latest figures on child abuse content online

Key Figures 2006
14,000 reports processed by IWF ‘Hotline’ (24% increase on first six months of 05)
5,000 of these reports contain child abuse content (49% increase on first six month of 05)
Only 0.2 % of potentially illegal child abuse content hosted in UK (down from 18% in 1997)
0% of criminally obscene content hosted in the UK
0% of incitement to racial hatred content hosted in the UK
50% of child abuse content traced to US
15% child abuse content traced to Russia
12% child abuse content traced to Japan
9% child abuse content traced to Spain
50 intelligence reports passed to UK police