児童ポルノ・児童買春・児童福祉法・監護者わいせつ・不同意わいせつ・強制わいせつ・青少年条例・不正アクセス禁止法・わいせつ電磁的記録弁護人 奥村徹弁護士の見解(弁護士直通050-5861-8888 sodanokumurabengoshi@gmail.com)


Conviction for child toon porn


In what is believed to be a first in Canadian courts, an Edmonton man has been convicted of importing Japanese magazines containing cartoon child pornography.


house arrest for the first six months of the conditional sentence, fined him $150 and ordered him to perform 100 hours of community service.
probation for 18 months following the sentence and must take counselling as directed.
forbidden from using a computer and accessing the Internet.
provide a sample of his DNA for the national DNA data bank in Ottawa and placed him on the sex offender registry for five years.