児童ポルノ・児童買春・児童福祉法・監護者性交・不同意性交・不同意わいせつ・青少年条例・不正アクセス禁止法・わいせつ電磁的記録・性的姿態撮影罪弁護人 奥村徹弁護士の見解(弁護士直通050-5861-8888 sodanokumurabengoshi@gmail.com)






Building on its long tradition and legal and political commitments with regard to human rights in general and children’s rights in particular, the EU has the necessary weight to push children’s rights to the forefront of the international agenda and can use its global presence and influence to effectively promote universal children's rights at national level worldwide. It can also promote and support attention to children’s needs, drawing on Europe’s values of social protection and on its policy commitments and programmes in different fields.
In the short term, and especially due to the urgency of certain challenges, the Commission will, in particular, take the following additional measures:

  • To attribute one single six digits telephone number (beginning with 116: 116-xyz)

within the EU for child help lines and one for child hotlines dedicated to missing
and sexually exploited children (end 2006)

  • To support the banking sector and credit cards companies to combat the use of

credit cards when purchasing sexual images of children on the Internet (2006)

  • To launch an Action Plan on Children in Development Cooperation to address

children’s priority needs in developing countries (2007)

  • To promote a clustering of actions on child poverty in the EU (2007)