児童ポルノ・児童買春・児童福祉法・監護者わいせつ・不同意わいせつ・強制わいせつ・青少年条例・不正アクセス禁止法・わいせつ電磁的記録弁護人 奥村徹弁護士の見解(弁護士直通050-5861-8888 sodanokumurabengoshi@gmail.com)



 州警察じゃなくて、Fort Smith Police Departmentのこの人のコメントのようです。


But all those features are putting some authorities on alert; they say having such easy access to the web might put your child at more risk for predators. And Pickle says while more parents have been asking about the DSi, they haven't been asking about its safety features.

"Now not only can the children be contacted, but they can be asked to provide pictures, video," says Sergeant Adam Holland, who investigates internet crimes against children for the Fort Smith Police Department.

He says that just as parents are getting used to dealing with internet safety at home, more devices are coming out that can give their kids even more exposure to the internet.

"It's a common misconception that, if I have control of this environment within my home and our computer usage, I therefore control what my child has access to… And that's proving not to be the case."